Hi [NAME REDACTED] Your раѕѕԝоrԁ for [NAME REDACTED] is set to еxpirе on 25/01. You can change or keep same раѕѕԝоrԁ with the buttоn below. Keep раѕѕԝоrԁ [URL REDACTED] Madisoncollege.edu Team ________________________________ This email was sent to [NAME REDACTED]


This email is attempting an attack known as "credential harvesting". Clicking the link will lead the user to a fraudulent Microsoft Office365 login page and ask the user to provide their username and password. After the user has provided their credentials, they will either be transmitted to the attacker (usually using email) or saved on the server for the attacker to collect later. The attacker can then either sell the credentials or use them to further access the Madison College network.